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Common Questions & Concerns
Do you have questions or concerns? Check out some of our common Macrostaxer questions.
Calories: What is the 4/4/9 rule?
Why are my macros different?
What are macros?
I'm having trouble meeting my macros. This is a lot of food!
If I don't hit my macros accurately, should I make up for it the next day?
Why should I track macros?
Will eating this much actually help me lose weight?
Will all this protein make me bulky?
What to Expect When you Start Macrostax
Can I still follow other plans like paleo, Whole30, or intermittent fasting while using Macrostax?
Are there cheat meals on this program?
How important is it to follow the macros per meal breakdowns?
Is there carb cycling?
Can I eat whatever I want on this plan?
How can I incorporate healthier food choices into my macros?
What if I have my own macros I want to use?
What are the different Fat Loss phases?
What are the different Muscle Gain phases?